We have been pioneering medical device advancement for nearly seventy years, hearing and understanding the challenges of hospital and home health treatments for people all over the world.
Our products include solutions for the ease and comfort of administering life-enhancing medication, comfortable blood sampling and rapid diagnostic testing.
Our Categories

Specimen Collection
Peezy Midstream is designed to obtain a midstream clean catch sample helping reduce specimen contamination.
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Aiguilles Hypodermiques Rétractables
Utilisables avec des seringues luer lock et luer slip et des seringues pré-remplies. Image: Attached to ticket.
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Products designed in response to healthcare challenges
All our inventions come from a requirement that starts with our customers and users. We work with healthcare professionals and patients to determine how we can deliver the best, most comfortable, safe and accurate devices that draw on our expertise and experience. Whether it’s a simple improvement in product design or a whole new approach, we are not afraid to challenge the status quo if it means we are delivering on our promise to make a world of difference to a world of people.

Jeffrey BrewerMitbegründer und CEO, Bigfoot BiomedicalDie Aufnahme der Pentips von Owen Mumford in unsere Versorgungspakete stellt sicher, dass unsere Kunden immer Zugang zu einer qualitativ hochwertigen, komfortablen Pennadel für jede Insulindosis haben.
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Research and Development

Safety and Protection