Drug-Free Success that Works

Rapport™ vacuum therapy devices have been developed as user-friendly, effective treatments for erectile dysfunction.

Rapport™ Classic is a unique vacuum therapy system developed as an effective treatment for erectile problems. This vacuum therapy system creates a vacuum around the penis which quickly produces a satisfactory erection by drawing blood into the penis. The pump is then removed leaving the constriction ring at the base of the penis.

Rapport™ Rings loading system is ideal for men who need help to maintain an erection. The constriction ring, placed at the base of the penis, will maintain an erection until it is removed.

Rapport Classic PZN 02847172
Rapport Rings Konstriktionsringe PZN 06317991


  • A non-drug therapy, which can be used with other medications1.
  • Applied externally and therefore non-invasive.
  • An erection can be achieved within minutes and therefore spontaneity for intercourse is not compromised1.


Rapport™ Classic - Instructions for Use
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Vacuum Therapy Guidelines
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Rapport™ Leaflet
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Rapport™ - How to Use

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1. Yuan, J., Hoang, A., Romero, C., Lin, H., Dai, Y. and Wang, R. (2010). Vacuum therapy in erectile dysfunction— science and clinical evidence. International Journal of Impotence Research, 22(4), pp.211-219.