Fortschritt auf dem Gebiet des Diabetes

Unsere Injektionspens und -nadeln sind für die Verabreichung von injizierbaren Arzneimitteln konzipiert und unterstützen eine gute Injektionstechnik.

Owen Mumford hat mehr als 40 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich der Diabetesbehandlung und hat den ersten wiederverwendbaren Insulin-Autoinjektor auf den Markt gebracht. Wir haben uns einer engen Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Medizingeräteherstellern und Partnern aus der Pharmabranche sowie medizinischem Fachpersonal und Patienten verschrieben, um die Behandlung von Diabetes weiter zu verbessern und zu erleichtern.


Unifine® SafeControl®

Aktive Sicherheitspennadel zum Schutz derjenigen, die Injektionen verabreichen, indem sie einen Ausgleich an Sicherheit und Kontrolle während des Injektionsverfahrens bietet.
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Unifine® Pentips®

Qualitativ hochwertige Pennadeln für Patientenkomfort.
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Ein wiederverwendbarer Insulin-Pen injiziert bei minimalem Krafteinsatz eine vorher einstellbare Insulindosis und erleichtert die Behandlung für alle Altersgruppen.
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Unifine® Pentips Plus

Die erste Kompakt-Pennadel mit integrierter Schutzkappe.
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Pennadeln für den täglichen Gebrauch.
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Autoject 2

Autoject® 2

Die automatische Injektionshilfe macht die Spritzen-Selbstinjektion einfach, bequem und handlicher.
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Diabetes care safety pen needles and medical devices

An estimated 540 million adults worldwide live with diabetes. That number is set to rise to 783 million or one in eight adults by 2045 [1]. With prevalence rising, those with diabetes need treatment regimens and medical devices that make it easier to manage their condition.

At Owen Mumford, we have meticulously developed our range of diabetes care devices including injection pens and needles to provide safe and efficient treatment for those living with diabetes and the healthcare professionals (HCPs) that treat them.

In 1972, our team introduced the Autolet®, the world s first automatic lancing device, making blood glucose monitoring possible in the home for the first time. In the 50 years since then, we have nurtured an innovative design and production process to create leading diabetes medical devices. These have been designed and developed following research into pharmaceutical partners, HCPs and patients, making diabetes treatment regimens easier to manage.

Eliminate needle stick injuries with safety pen needles

Up to 69.4%
HCPs globally have experienced NSIs 2
Up to 36%
of NSIs are caused by hypodermic injections 2
<span class="invisible-text">up to</span> 81%
HCPs agree that a safety pen needle increases protection against NSIs compared to conventional pen needles 3

Discover our range of diabetes care medical devices

Find the right medical devices for patients with diabetes and those who administer injections.

Unifine® SafeControl®


Unifine® Pentips® Plus


Unifine® Pentips®








Owen Mumfords world first diabetes innovations

  • Unifine® SafeControl®
  • Autopen®
  • Autolet®
Unifine® SafeControl®
Unifine® SafeControl®
Our 2019 research into the
experience of patients with
pen needles in daily practice
led to the creation of the
first of its kind safety pen
needle designed to provide
a balance of safety and
control during the injection
process for healthcare
By 1982 we created an
insulin delivery pen which
patients could use to dial
a dose and inject
themselves at any time. A
unique, side mounted
release button was
created that required
considerably less force to
operate than other
manual injection devices.
In 1978 we introduced
the worlds first
automatic lancing device
to take a capillary blood
sample by simply
pricking the skin.

Making blood glucose
monitoring possible in
the home for the first

Explore our other treatments and device categories

Venepuncture and blood collection


Pelvic health


Point of care testing



Active and passive: Safety devices and diabetes care

How Owen Mumford's intuitive safety devices are designed to help reduce sharps injuries

How Owen Mumford's intuitive safety devices are designed to help reduce sharps injuries


New safety pen needle protects patients and healthcare professionals


Partner with Owen Mumford for your diabetes care medical devices

Owen Mumford has extensive experience partnering with leading pharmaceutical organisations to deliver high quality medical devices for diabetes care.

Contact us and our expert team of associates will be able to help you to find the diabetes devices, products and services best suited for your needs.

Your Enquiry

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  1. International Diabetes Federation. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 10th edn. Brussels, Belgium: 2021. Available at:
  2. Cooke CE, Stephens JM (2017) Clinical, economic, and humanistic burden of needlestick injuries in healthcare workers. Med Devices Auckl NZ 10:225–235.
  3. Project Saturn A (2017) Online study commissioned with an independent market research agency. Data on file.
  4. D'Souza D, Empringham J, Pechlivanoglou P, Uleryk EM, Cohen E, Shulman R. Incidence of Diabetes in Children and Adolescents During the COVID 19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(6):e2321281. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.21281

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